Концепції інституціональної економічної теорії в управлінні розвитком соц-екон. систем

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93.                  Veblen T. The Place of Science in Modern Civilization and Other Essays. N.Y.: Huebsch, 1919, p. 72-73.

94.                 Veblen T. The Preconceptions of Economic Science - III. - Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1899-1900, vol. XIII-XIV. - P. 164.

95.                  Veblen T. The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions. New York, Macmillan, 1899.

96.                 Veblen T. Why is Economics not an Evolutionary Science? - Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1898, vol. XII.

97.                 Wallis J.J., North D.C. Measuring the transactional sector in Amerncan economy, 1870-1970 // In: Long-term factors in American economic growth. Ed. by S. Engerman, Chicago, 1986.


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